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26. Tony Adnum.
"Toad". Recruited by Ian Holston.

235. Michael Cassano.
"Chips". Introduced by
Randel Pearce.

2. Steve Allan.
"Woody". Recruited by Ian Holston.

36. Wayne Christie.
"Crystal". Recruited by Ian Holston.

24. Paul Brett.
"Pablo". Recruited by Ian Holston.

178. David Cooper.
"Coops". Introduced by Wayne Christie.

220. Peter Brown.
Attended Kingsgrove
Sports Artarmon. Recruited by David Cooper.

194. David Cosgrove.
"Cossie". Introduced by Steve Allan

219. Ed Cross.
"Wilbur". Also plays with Springwood Royals. Contacted Tony Adnum

46. Peter Done.
"Doney". Recruited by Ian Holston.

126. Rob Drummond.
"Robbity Bob". Recruited by John Granata

187. Martin Dubler.
Introduced by Steve Allan.

221. Ben Fahim.
Did work at John Granata's residence.

190. David Flaks.
"Flaksy". Recruited by David Cooper.

90. John Granata.
"Giovanni". Recruited by Ian Holston during eye test.

65. Terry Hagan.
"Hages". Introduced by Darryl Semmler.

207. Rob Harding.
Ex Kenthurst player. Contacted Tony Adnum.g.
1. Ian Holston.
"Mangrove". Founder.
234. Elie Issa.
Introduced by John Granata
239. Michael Kench.
"Kenchy". Introduced by John Granata.

123. Steve Long.
"Longy". Recruited by Terry Hagan.

167. Scott Marshall.
"Sheriff". Introduced by Steve Long.

72. Paul Moujalli.
"Pez". Joined via CBC Officers' Club.

238. Aravind Naidu
Introduced by David Flaks.

173. Randel Pearce.
"Randy". Randel's wife enquired at one of our practices.

191. Ray Price.
"Pricey". Introduced by David Cooper.

153. Ian Ross.
"Rosco". Recruited by Terry Doust.

176. David Rudd.
"Cruddy". Passing by one of our practices.
6. Darryl Semmler.
"Tex". Recruited by Ian Holston.
201. Phillip Stuart-Jones.
"PSJ". Recruited by David
78. Brian Walker.
"Phantom". Introduced by 2 players (Albury) from the 1996 Festival in Sydney.

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