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Golden Oldies Cricket




Gordon Macdonald was Manager at CBC Branches at                             Inverell, Armidale, Leeton, and Ballina. He made headlines in the "Inverell Times" in November, 1974.                              The article read in part: "A bowlers' dream came to fruition for Inverell Club's Gordon Macdonald at the                               weekend when he took all 10 wickets of Mount Russell in the Inverell District first grade cricket                                      competition.

Playing at Brooks Oval, Mr. Macdonald achieved this                              feat in 16 overs for 66 runs.

This is easily the best bowling to be seen in the                                        division one cricket competition for many years and it is understood that the taking of all wickets by one                                  bowler has happened only 3 times in the last 23 years".

Mr. Macdonald says "I have been striving to achieve this for 31 years, so persistence and a considerable amount of luck are needed, as well as proficient fieldsmen".

Sadly he passed away in 1979 from a heart attack whilst Manager at Ballina Branch.


I am just on finishing reading your book which as I said before was a huge effort on your part assembling all the data & photos, particularly the early history and getting into a good readable story of the CBC culture.

I am sure most people working in the Bank did not fully appreciate the long history of how cricket came an important part of Bank culture.

There were two things that I witnessed first hand that hit home to me as early as 1951 at the tender age of 15 when I had to front the State Manager in Victoria (Sam Clark – father of Ross) to see if I was an acceptable new employee for the Bank.

After being ushered into his huge office in Collins Street, his first question was, “they tell me you play cricket” and with that he took a cricket bat from behind his door and handed it to me and asked me to play a straight bat which I must have successfully done (playing a good forward defensive shot I think) which ended the interview and I was given the job. I was a little stunned but never forgot that day.

The other thing was at the first cricket match that was played between the Victorian Staff versus NSW staff at Petersham Oval in January 1961, at which not only did the CEO Roger Cavan attend with other executives, but also three Board members. This to me was an unbelievable display of top management support for staff playing the sport.

I have attached a page from my book on Lifetime Memories showing photos* and in particular, note how casual Mr Cavan was in sitting on the grass with staff and enjoying himself. This says it all !

Best regards and congratulations once again.

Des Akers


*(The photographs can be seen below left).

Golden Oldies Cricket

*Des Akers' photographs Click on image to enlarge

Golden Oldies Cricket

An Extra cap. Presented to participants in NSW Country Week Golf. Click on image to enlarge

Golden Oldies Cricket

The team that played in the annual "Test Match" against the Bank of New South Wales at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1967. Back Row L to R; Don Richards, Ron Hine, Gerry Connor, John Hughes, Bill Byrne, Ian Walker, Sam Clough, Eugen Alexandrow, Peter Ruthven. Front Row L to R; Tony Adnum, Ray Gillam (Manager), Bill Baillie (Captain), Frank Scurr (Secretary), Col Pattison.


There was a Testimonial match for Johnny Taylor and Arthur Mailey played at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1956. The photograph opposite is two of the Testimonial Mugs which were presented to all the players in the match. Ian Holston can recall being at the match with his mother. One of his memories is Jimmy Burke scoring a magnificent 192.

Golden Oldies Cricket

Johnny Taylor/Arthur Mailey Memorial Mugs. Click on image to enlarge


A Matter of Balance. The two teams fielded by the C.B.C. Bank in the 1964–1965 Season in the City & Suburban Cricket Association in Sydney had 5,677 runs scored against them.

The two C.B.C. teams also scored 5,677 runs against their opponents. Surprising?? Not really, bankers will do anything to balance their books.

Golden Oldies Cricket

The CBC Bank and Bank of New South Wales teams at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1906.

Click on image to enlarge

Golden Oldies Cricket

Vic Martin, Ray Gillam, Bill Baillie & Tom Clements at the Taylor v Massie match at Bradman Oval, Bowral on 27th April, 1997. Click on image to enlarge

Golden Oldies Cricket

Scoresheet from the Australian Cricket Archives. NSW v Victoria 26/1/1888. NSW innings 576. Henry Moses 297 not out Hugh Massie 1. Both were CBC employees. Click on image to enlarge


A snick, then all out for 1.

A single through slips by John Frith stopped the University of NSW "B" cricket team from setting a unique record last Saturday.

Frith’s run was the only one scored by his side in a City and Suburban competition match against the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited.

The University batted 9 men and were dismissed for one, 265 short of the bank’s score.

The main destroyer was the fast bowler, Keith Bryen, who took six wickets for one from two overs and three balls.

The other speedster, Geoff George, secured one wicket. The other batsman was run out.




To quote Dick Balcomb (our youngest spokesperson) What a week - fantastic! The week was a fabulous experience that brought great joy and pleasure. My sincerest thanks to you all for allowing me to be a member of such a fine group and the opportunity to partake in such a wonderful series. The fingers are too sore to write more". Dick caught a couple of screamers during the week and was a marvelous ambassador for the team. It was indeed a most memorable week full of fun, friendship and fraternity.

Opening Ceremony; The Opening Ceremony was an outstanding success, a perfect location in Farm Cove. John Gall was aghast at seeing so may of his old team mates and adversaries. The fireworks set off to Tschaikovsky's 1812 overture capped off the evening.

Team Photos; Taken on the lush surrounds of the Sydney Football Stadium and what a splendid sight it was with the CBC flag flying proudly behind us, and of course, we looked pretty "crash hot" in our new gear.

March Past at S.C.G.; We had the opportunity of seeing ourselves on the big screen at the S.C.G. - a nostalgic walk for 13 of our players who had the honour of playing the "Wales" on the hallowed turf. The team proudly doffed our caps to Governor Sinclair (an old CBC customer) and he happily waved his Akubra back to us in recognition. The Governor spoke of his cricketing exploits around the world, from his naval sojourns. Whilst Alan Davidson spoke of his first Shield game at Adelaide. Alan was pleased with his first innings effort of 5 wickets - a couple of catches -and a run out. When he walked off he expected "The Great Man" to greet him and acknowledge his performance. It was not to be. In the second dig after toiling all day for 0-90 odd he was greeted by "The Don" with the words "A different kind of day today Alan!!

Match Results; v Bermuda - lost by 13 runs.  v Auckland Business Houses NZ - won by 130 runs.  v Sussex G.O UK - lost by 129 runs.  v One Hunga Maulers NZ - won by 48 runs.  v Cambridge Antiques NZ - won by 29 runs.  v Christchurch Old Boys NZ - lost by 84 runs.

We adopted a policy of changing our teams for each round thus enabling our players to mix with the entire squad. The captaincy was also shared and every player was given the opportunity to bat and bowl in each game. David Leathley and Geoff Rogers were our reserve players and were able to play in some games, whilst Geoff became an adopted Bermudan minus the sun tan.

The Cambridge Antiques welcomed us on to the field on the Friday with a glass of port appropriately served on a silver tray.

Batting; Most runs (agg.) - David Holston 65, Grahame McPherson 57, John Mathes 55.

Bowling; Most wickets - Terry Phillips and Grahame McPherson.

Visitors; It was great to see many of our supporters and friends at the games, Vic Martin, Geoff McIntyre, Bill Baillie, John Cotton, John Hughes, John Hitchcock and former NSW captain (1937/38) Ken Gulliver.

Umpires; Our thanks to umpires Kevin Meyer (3 days), Wayne Christie (2 days), Ian Wright (1 day). Ian used his NAB "Dons Day" to join us. Ben Mathes (2 days).  Thanks also to Don Sellar and Sven Holston for making certain our scores passed the opposition on three occasions.

Other Helpers; Special thanks to all of our ladies who helped us in so many ways during the week, particularly for the help in the drinks and afternoon tea breaks. A special thank you to Bob Horton for arranging special sponsorships with Carlton and United Breweries and Tyrells Wines which helped us quench our thirst and so we couldn't feel the pain after the various games and functions.

Video Tape; The Club has purchased a video tape which will be available at the end of March. A special showing will be arranged at a date to be advised.

Photos; If you have any photos that you feel are worth copying, could you please send them to the Secretary and we will make up a souvenir album for the Club.


The Annual Under & Over 30s match (for the K A Meyer Trophy), played at Gladesville on 1st November, 1980, was won by the Unders by 98 runs.

Geoff George (Overs) won the toss and sent the Unders in to bat.

Runs came easily for the Unders and they compiled 9 for 229 after their 40 overs. Steve Allan (58), Selwyn Wegner (46), Mark Fry (45), Grahame McPherson (33), Gordon Burns (15) and Bruce Dando (14) were best with the bat.

John Wellard sent down 10 overs for the Overs and finished with 3 for 41. Darcy Kenna took 2 for 24 from his 5 overs. Doug McLeod 2 for 39 from 6 overs and Geoff George 1 for 31 from 8 overs were the other wicket takers.

The Overs were never in the hunt and were all out for 131 after 35 overs. John Wellard 48, Tony Adnum 24 and Bill Baillie 12 plus sundries 18 were the only ones to reach double figures. Gordon Burns starred with the ball for the Unders taking 6 for 30 from his 7 overs. Other wicket takers were Bob Drewery 2 for 9 from 6 overs, Bruce Dando 1 for 7 from 5 overs and Selwyn Wegner 1 for 32 from 7 overs.

Darcy Kenna won the fielding award for the Overs while Steve Allan won the award for the Unders.

A raffle for a bottle of Grants scotch was won by John Chivell.

The Club was fielding two teams in the 1980/81 season. Matches set down for 8th November, 1980 were the 1st XI versus St. George Vets and the 2nd XI versus Mosman Vets.

The Sydney (NSW) and Melbourne (VIC) teams from 1961

Golden Oldies Cricket

The Sydney (NSW) team; Back Row L to R; David Leathley (obscured), Rex Dyson, Grahame Morgan, Jeff Brearley, Ray Gillam, Les Cornell, John Gall, Arthur Warrell. Front Row L to R; Don Wilson, Eddie Paul, Bill Baillie, Bruce Fleming, Keith Bryen. Click on image to enlarge

Golden Oldies Cricket

Melbourne (Vic) team; Back Row L to R; John Stephens, Maurie Prideaux, Mike Parkes, Bob Walton, Ted Hore, John Schade, Stuart Westerman, King Sullivan, Jack Kennedy. Middle Row L to R; Col Guinea, Ian Goltz (VC), Murray McDonald (c), Des Akers, Graeme Hewitt. Front Row L to R; Ian Laurenson, John Brophy, Geoff Elkin. Click on image to enlarge


The annual cricket match between The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited and the Bank of New South Wales will take place today at the Sydney Cricket Ground. The teams embrace a number of well-known cricketers viz.: CBC BANK: H.E.J.Lloyd, J.R.D.Scott, R.V.Single, R.D.Champion, R.W.Warden, A.G.Hancock, G.S.Hall, A.D.Moore, L.Sloman, K.B.Docker. BANK OF NSW: P.W.Docker, F.M.Ridge, F.L.Row, A.R.Fryer, V.Tretheway, A.Reid, H.H.Cook, A.C.Y.Miller, A.A.Cooper, F. Duesbury, A.F.Proctor. 


In the annual match at the S.C.G. on Wednesday last the CBC Bank closed at 5 for 353 (R.W.Warden 106, R.V.Single 75, K.B.Docker 62, R.D.Champion 31 and J.R.D.Scott 39) and, won easily against the Bank of New South Wales who made 158. (F.M.Ridge 40, F.L.Row 16, P.W.Docker 37, A.C.Y.Miller 17). Hancock got 5 for 39 and Moore 2 for 29 for the victors. F. Duesbury of the Bank of New South Wales, twisted his knee, and had to be conveyed to his home in a cab.


Since I have been in charge of the bank I have done my best to carry on its traditions, both as regards the business and the staff, and I have always endeavoured to treat the staff with the consideration they had received from the late general manager (Sir Thomas Allwright Dibbs). In this regard I was backed up and assisted by the board, and I think I can safely claim that there is no more able, more zealous, or more loyal staff than the staff of this bank, keen both at work and play. I am proud of them, and I am especially proud of the part they took in the late war. I am proud too, that in every sport in which they engage they can more than hold their own with officers of other banks. I am a firm believer in the good effect that good wholesome outdoor sport has on health and character, and consequently on efficiency, and I have always done my best to encourage it. I trust that the spirit of sport, which has always been present amongst the staff of the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited, will never be allowed to die out.

And now after forty six years in the services of the bank, and over seven years work before I joined the bank, I think it is time I should get out: and so the board have, at my request, extended one more to the many kindnesses I have received at their hands, by giving me extended leave with permission to retire at the termination thereof. It now, therefore, only remains for me Sir, to thank you for your flattering remarks, to thank Mr. Knox and Mr. Stephen for their remarks, which I very much appreciate, and to thank the directors for their uniform kindness towards me, and the staff for their loyalty to me and to the bank.

It is hardly necessary for me to say that I will leave the bank with very great regret. One cannot sever a connection of nearly half a century lightly, but I shall always look back upon the many happy days I have spent in the bank, and the kindness I have always received from the directors and the loyal assistance I have received from the staff.

It is rather difficult, Mr. Chairman, to find words to express one’s feelings on an occasion like this, so if I have not said the right thing, or  I have said the right thing in the wrong way, I hope you will put it down to inability to express myself, and not to ingratitude.



Club Officials:











3 Ordinary    







Victor Martin

Norman Winckle

Geoff George

Kevin Meyer

Ian Holston

Carlene Holston

Darryl Semmler


Ian Holston

Steve Allan

Michael Hook

Bob Horton

Max Ryan

Charles Wulff

Bill Baillie

Ray Gillam

Club Update.


Embroidered club caps, embroidered cream cricket shirts will be  available at the end of October.

Badges and Club casual polo shirts (dark green) with embroidered logo will be available early November. Ties will be available the first week of February, 1996 due to long production times.

A first class kit has been purchased whilst a kit for the second festival team will be lent to us by the Kenthurst Cricket Club.


1996 Festival.


Over 80 teams are expected to play in the 1996 festival. Teams registered come from Australia, New Zealand, Malta, U.S.A., Canada, Bermuda, South Africa, and the U.K. Matches will be played on turf wickets at the best club and school grounds in Sydney. Players who will be representing us in January 1996 are as follows; Eugen Alexandrow, Steve Allan, Dick Balcomb, Paul Brett, Bruce Dando, David Donnison, Peter Dooley, John Gall, Geoff George, David Holston, Ian Holston, Michael Hook, Bob Horton, Grahame McPherson, Reg Manning, John Mathes, Eddie Paul, Terry Phillips, Terry Portus, Darryl Semmler, Arthur Warrell, Charles Wulff.



This certificate was presented to the Primary Club of Australia on 1st October, 1995 to celebrate the first game of cricket played by the CBC Golden Oldies Cricket Club at the Lemon Tree ground at Dooralong.

"The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd cricket club was founded in 1893 and was a foundation member of the City and Suburban Cricket Association competition. The Club played in that competition from 1903 until 1987, when the Club disbanded.

Cricket was a well established part of the CBC tradition and culture. The sources of this may be traced to the time Australia won the famous 1882 Test match against England which gave birth to the Ashes. Two of the Ausralian team members who played a crucial part in the victory were H.H. Massie of the C.B.C. and F.R. Spofforth of the Bank of New South Wales.

Possibly as a result of the Massie/Spofforth connection the annual "Test Match" against the Bank of New South Wales became a traditional event between the two Banks and was played annually at the Sydney Cricket Ground".

Dated Sunday October 1st, 1995 at Lemon Tree Ground, Dooralong.

Geoff George, President.  Ian Holston, Vice-President.



To quote from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Oklahoma "Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh, what a beautiful day". Indeed it was, the No.1 Golden Oldie upstairs must have been watching with a wry smile as old friendships were renewed, some looking not as sprightly as they once did.

But, there was glint in the eye and a keenness to once again to don the creams whist some could even gloat over some well looked after leather boots with an odd sprig amiss. But, oh what shock and dismay when the time came to pad up, no leather straps, what was this velcro jazz.

The Lemontree ground looked like and English countryside post card with the exception of the gums and kookaburras (the latter always seem to get a giggle out of Golden Oldies Cricket) and in the late evening after our "Yabba" visitors on the hill had calmed down (not soon enough for hamstring Reg), the bell birds singing in the surrounding bushland provided a perfect atmosphere. Even the young stallions, galloping in the surrounding paddocks, showed a rejuvenated spirit which was reflected both on and off the field of play.

With the "CBC Flag" proudly placed on the clubhouse wall (the flagpole had been recently damaged), Captains Arthur Warrell and Darryl Semmler, walked briskly to the middle of the turf wicket and a large bronze coin (souvenir of the 1994 Golden Oldies World Cricket Festival in Birmingham) was spun into the air, it was indeed a double headed coin, however, it was quickly resolved and Captain  Semmler decided to bat on an extra good strip which had a little in it for the opening bowlers.

At a little after 10.30am our two umpires Ian Wright and Wayne Christie (both CBC Bankers), suitably attired and resplendent in their official umpiring clobber walked onto the field and calmly dropped the little "red cherry" on to the green outfield to be picked up by Captain Warrell who proceeded to give it the famous "Guerie" polish.


C.B.C. Green; I.Holston (ret) 12, S.Allan (ret) 35, D.Donnison (ret) 30, M.Lee 2, G.Rogers 13, D. Semmler (ret) 33, B.Horton 1, R.Manning 0, T. Portus 28, R.Balcomb  20 n.o., B.Holston 17 n.o., Sundries 22, Total 5/213. C.B.C. Orange bowling; B.Solomons 2/11, G.McPherson 1/45, C.Walsh 1/26. C.B.C. Orange; M.Olde 4, C.Walsh 20, S.Holston 24, G.Goodluck 8, G.McPherson 61 n.o., B.Solomons (ret) 30, J.Mathes 20, R Walledge 9, P.Dooley 20, J.Evans 3, Sundries 13, Total 9/217. C.B.C. Green bowling; S.Allan 3/40, R Balcomb 1/26, B. Holston 1/21, D.Semmler 1/15, D.Donnison 1/35, G.Rogers 1/20.

There was some good form shown with both bat and ball and we are confident of providing some worthy opposition in the coming warm up matches as well as during the 1996 festival.

Awards for the day; "Youngest player" - Dick Balcomb, "Long Distance Runner" - Arthur Warrell. Both players were presented with souvenirs from the 1994 Birmingham Golden Oldies Cricket Festival.

A framed certificate was presented to the Primary Club of Australia as a proud moment of this day in the CBC's proud cricketing history.

A special thank you for those visitors who came to share the day with us namely "The Cloughs, The Bromleys, The Ebbecks, The Hooks and David and Forde Leathley.

"We got a beautiful Feel-in, Oh what a beautiful day!!

Games to mark down in your diary; Nov. 26 v The Primary Club GOCC at Lemontree Ground, Dooralong commencing at 10.30am, Dec 17 v The Kookaburra GOCC at Kenthurst Park, Kenthurst. (our last warm up game before the festival).

If you want to play, get your names in early to Ian Holston 02 481 9877 and remember even if you can't play you are most welcome to attend these excellent picnic days.

List of Supporters/Donors; We are most grateful for the generous support shown to the Club, your enthusiasm has enabled this dream to become a reality and rekindle the old CBC cricketing flame, which we intend to keep burning for as long as we can. If you haven't become one of us, NOW is the time to do it, a return form is attached.

Supporters/Donors in alphabetical order; Stephen Allan, Jack Alpen, Bill Baillie, Bob Bromley, Terry Burgess, Sam Clough, Les Cornell, John Cotton, John Drew, Rex Dyson, Warren Ebbeck, Geoff George, Ray Gillam, Ian Holston, Tom Honeyman, Vic Martin, John Rowlands, Chris Rush, Graeme Stevenson, Max Vardy, Norman Winckle, Robin Williams.

The following have joined as members but are unable to play in January. David Leathley, Kevin Meyer, Geoff Rogers.

Establishment of C.B.C. Golden Oldies Cricket Club (Over 40s to ??);

We will enter two teams in the 1996 Golden Oldies International Cricket Festival to be held in Sydney from Jan 7th - 14 1996.

We have contacted 110 officers to seek their support and/or participation and response thus far has been most encouraging.

If you would like to play or just as importantly be a supporter of the teams, your support will be most welcome. Please contact Ian Holston or write to Ian at Westleigh.

Cost to join as a player is $50. Cost to be a supporter will be as follows; Gold supporter $100 (Package will include a dark green polo shirt, a tie and club badge). All items will feature the Bank's seal "The Horn of Plenty" - the first time the Bank has ever produced a shirt with the seal on it.  Silver Supporter $60 (Package will include a tie and club badge).  Bronze supporter $25 (Package to include a club badge).

N.B. All supporters will receive a regular club newsletter and be eligible for travel discounts for overseas trips on future Golden Oldies tours - South Africa is expected to be on the agenda for 1998.

Please complete the form below and return it immediately so that our committee may finalise their planning. Thank you in anticipation of your support and encouragement.

Geoff George, President   Ian Holston Publicity/Marketing Officer.

Golden Oldies Cricket

CBC Golden Oldies Cricket Club Inc. designed by CBC Golden Oldies

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