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Golden Oldies Cricket


Golden Oldies Cricket

Our founding member and Co-Patron, Ian Holston, for several years, has been compiling a book on the history of the CBC Bank Cricket Club and CBC Golden Oldies Cricket Club. Editing of the book was completed in early 2021. 300 copies of the book have been printed. They were delivered to Ian on 25th June, 2021 for distribution. The print run has sold out. The first batch of purchased books were posted on Monday 28th June, 2021. The remainder were posted in early July, 2021. 

Congratulations Ian on a fantastic job. Well done! 

A big thank you to all those who have assisted in some way in having this important document published.

The following are some of the congratulatory comments Ian has received from people who have purchased "The Book"


"Congratulations to all. The amount of work involved in the publication beggars belief. The book will have a permanent spot on our coffee table".  Ian Chapman

"Thanks so much for the book Ian and it is a marvellous effort, so many congratulations! Best wishes". James Mills

"Congratulations on a remarkable achievement in reviving the history and statistics of the  CBC Bank and its cricket and cricketers. I repeat, önly CBC people could do this. And you have done it well. Cheers". Warren Ebbeck

"Ian, you deserve a medal for your cricket book production. I know you have been working on it for a long time but I did not realise it was going to be so big and so comprehensive. It is mammoth and the number of photos you have been able to assemble is extraordinary. Well done and congratulations". Ray Knight

"Thank you for your advices Steve. I too have received my books and I agree that you must be justifiably proud Ian - of what you have achieved in producing an excellent publication. This was no easy task which you undertook; an extremely challenging goal and it speaks volumes for your skills, commitment and resilience in realising an admirable ambition of  producing an important book for the ages – well done mate!!! Indeed, I look forward to raising a glass with you in due course - to celebrate your courage and great achievement. Good health and best regards to you both". Noel Smith

"Hello Ian ! Have just received No. 96...what an amazing production !  It will take some time to digest & review, but on first glance, the details & photographic record is quite extraordinary...what a marathon...well done & congratulations! Certainly brings back some wonderful memories. Great to catch up on our Queensland visit & trust all is going well as we survive some more restrictions . With every good wish & my kind personal regards.  Cheers". Ray Hosking

"Ian, Adequate words escape me to express my regard for this wonderful account of the Golden Oldies. It is beyond a labour of love and one that will remain in many households, museums and hopefully associated corporates for centuries to come. Congratulations on the tremendous effort and wonderful outcome. I will enjoy looking at it in more detail and often !  My only regret is the complete lack of support from the NAB which if it had happened would have acknowledged the contribution to its success of the CBC influence and collective skills and culture.  The best that there is and more". Richard Nott

"Hello Ian, I received the book yesterday and what a wonderful publication it is! You must have spent literally thousands of hours putting it all together. As well as a fantastic record of the Cricket Club, it will be of general interest to old CBC people generally. I  was particularly interested in the stories about the Massie and Waddy families and their connections with the Kings School-my grandson Jeremy Santow( Dad's great grandson who, of course, he never met) is a boarder at Kings in Waddy House! I will show it to my friend Lex Webb , a co- Southern Highlands resident, a long time CBC man- there is a picture of, I think, his brother John, and he will be interested in the CBC history ( although he was not a cricketer). One thing which interested me specially was the reference to a video done with Ray Gillam-is there any possibility I might be able to get a copy of that? I attended many of the team's cricket matches at Gladesville, and was allowed to score on occasions, and  knew Ray Gillam quite well. Through Ray, when I was young enough ( I think under 10), I was able to use a ladies ticket to accompany Dad to the SCG to watch the Tests. This was my connection to Don Bradman, as it was his ladies ticket, which he left with Ray in Sydney, which I used! Thank you also for the mention in references to the eulogy I prepared for Dad's funeral! All the best-I will keep reading! Kind regards". Bill Baillie Jnr

"Hi Ian, your book safely arrived during the week. What a supreme effort. Who thought a bank could be so interesting! You have done an incredible job compiling all that history including photos. I hope the book has received a good response. It was very kind of you to send me a complimentary copy. I have enjoyed reading about the connection to the Don and Ray in particular. I hope you can now rest back and enjoy retirement. Best wishes". Richard Mulvaney

"Dear Ian, I collected my mail today and realised I should have taken some muscle pills to help me carry home your wonderful “A Golden Era of CBS/CBC Cricket”. You must be proud of the final product - it is a wonderful combination
of facts and illustrations, photographs and memorabilia. It will certainly help to amuse me in this terrible “lockdown” which has been forced upon us, and I am looking forward to sharing it with the family once we can get together. Once again, congratulations, and thank you for including the Taylor family in the story. Sincerely". Lyn Taylor

"Hi Ian. Trust you are keeping well and keeping out of viruses way. Margaret and I are OK. With my ailments and now that I have handed my drivers licence in, I am either at my G.P, Specialist or at home. A great effort Ian on putting the CBC book {Bible  may be more appropriate } together. It lives in our lounge room,  if I am not having a little read. Great stuff!!! Ian I don't think I am going to be of much help with  getting any detail on the Gillam's. I was chatting with Ken Ryan and he tells me there were two brothers in the Bank. One was on the Relieving Staff and  Ray . Ken will contact you. All the best Ian".  Margaret & John Webb

"Thanks Ian. And may I take this opportunity to congratulate you on the production of the magnificent  “ A Golden Era of CBS/CBC Cricket “. Whilst not a player over the years, I was proud to be an original Gold Supporter and often watched a few games at the magnificent “home ground” at Gladesville and then to adjourn to the Bayswater Pub for a few beers.

I have only perused the book  at this stage and will enjoy going through it in the months ahead as it brings back memories of colleagues and wonderful friendships some of which endure to this day. Well done Ian, you have done your mates and illustrious predecessors proud, so much so that the CBC History Scoreboard  will show – “IAN HOLSTON – NOT OUT FOREVER “. Kind regards". Geoff McIntyre

"Dear Ian, I have received two copies of the book. It is such an interesting read. Thank you so much. Regards" Tim Moses

"Hello Ian, Just arrived home after spending 8 weeks on Gold Coast and found your book waiting for me in the mail. Had a quick browse and looks excellent. It certainly covers a wide range of subjects. Congratulations Ian - a great effort - an awful lot of work but I will bet it was a labour of love. I look forward to some good reading. Best regards". Des Akers

"Thank you so much for the copies of the book, all arrived safely. Well done on such an excellent publication you should be very proud of the result. Congratulations. Thank you so much again. Stay safe". Mary Single

"Thanks, Ian, for the book and DVD. The book is very interesting and well presented. It must have taken a huge amount of research and time to put together such a comprehensive history. Well done! I really enjoyed the parts about my father and snippets about my mother but won’t be able to show my sisters for a while it seems. I look forward to listening to the DVD.
All the best". Roma Gillam

"Good morning Ian. I was extremely fortunate to attend a Retired CBC Officers Club lunch in Southport last October and it was at this lunch that I secured a copy of your excellent publication “A Golden Era of CBC Cricket” (241/300). The book is a permanent fixture on my coffee table and I just love picking it up and reading a chapter or two whenever I can. I particularly enjoy reading about the good old boys from the CBC, many of whom I knew quite well and even worked with. There is no doubt that you have a passion for the CBC and it’s people and you have a special fondness for the CBC Golden Oldies Cricket Club. Thank you to you and your team for the hours of enjoyment that your book has provided me. Kind regards". John Ellwood

"Hi Ian, Thank you for the book.  Will read it in my spare time! Stay well. Cheers". Kay Leggett

"Hi Wayne, I recently finished reading Ian’s excellent book “A Golden Era of CBS/CBC Cricket”. I especially enjoyed all the bits and items of our Bank’s general social culture of the time and the people. The cricket side was amazingly detailed even though I am not a cricket fan, I did read lots of it too. Please pass on my congratulations to Ian when you see him on an excellent effort to keep our history alive". David Jobson

"Hi Ian, I would like to advise an apology, which I reiterate, for my being initially dismissive of your production as “just a history of CBC cricket” with which I had no involvement and a game for which I had no skill. Little did I realise that it was indeed a grand time covering many interesting travel experiences and CBC asides apart from cricket. I found it brought back several fond memories and congratulations for putting together something which obviously involved many hours of research and planning and which should be appreciated by all who look back on their CBC years as one of the better periods of their lives.

Cheers, Kerry O'Connor."


Greg Adams, Daniel Adnum, Tony Adnum, David Aim, Des Akers, Eugen Alexandrow, Steve Allan (4), Larry Anthony, Gloria Auckett, Bill Baillie, Ray Balcomb (4), Katie Banfield (2), David Bartholomew, Graeme Barwick, Edwin Bentley, Ian Beveridge, Ian Bezer, Audrey Biggs, Sarita Bild, Jon Blisset, Cheryl Blow, Ann Bowden, Bradman Museum, Brian Breakespeare (C & S Cricket Association), Matt Brennan, Dane Brett, Paul Brett, John Brophy, Sheena Brown, John Bryant, Ralph Buchanan, Christine Burke, Ron Burnstein, Bill Byrne, John Byrne, Helen Cadzow (2), CBC Officers Club, Andrea Challender (nee Green), Ian Chapman, Wayne Christie, Ross Clark, Beth Clement (2), Sam Clough OAM, Ian Coates, Noel Collie, Bob Conlin, Ian Cooke, David Cooper, Cricket NSW, Ed Cross, Paul Delves, Raymond Dennis, Peter Done, Matthew Dooley (3), Phil Dooley, Graham Doust, Terry Doust, Tom Dowler, David Downs, Rob Drummond, Stuart Dyson (2), Gary Eagland, Warren Ebbeck, Brett Eisenhauer, Kevin Eke, Ted Elliott, John Ellwood, Les Evans, Laurie Farrell, David Fisher, Jan Fisher, Paul Flakus, Col Garner, Joan Fleming, Janet Fletcher, Colleen Foulcher, Matthew Fraser, Paul Gaffney, John Gall OAM, John Gandey, Col Garner, Margaret George, Thomas George, Alan Gibson (Westpac) archives), Roma Gillam, Alan Gordon, Ayesha Gough, John Graetz, Peter Graham, John Granata, Matthew Green, Tom Grill, Hannelore Grooms, Peter Gurney, Terry Hagan, Colin Hall, Robert Handel, Rob Harding, Doug Hargrave, George Harvison, Colleen Hewitson, Graeme Hewitt, Nev Hillenberg, Ron Hine, John Hitchcock, Bjorn Holston, David Holston, Ian Holston, Sven Holston, Jeremy Hook, Bob Horton, Ray Hosking, John Howard OM AC, John Hughes, Cathie Humphries, Janice Humphries, Geoff Irvine, David Jobson, Jeff Johnston, Wayne Joliffe, Michel Jupp, Darcy Kenna, David Kirby, Dorothy Kirkness (nee Leathley), Kerri Kleidon (nee Scott), Alison Knight, Ray Knight OAM, Doug Lambert, Noel Langthorne, David Leathley, Forde Leathley, Lindsay Le Bas, A.Lee, Kay Leggett, Peter Lemon, Lindisfame Anglican Grammar School (2), David Lindsay, Rod Llaing-Peach, Steve Long, Warwick Low, John Main, Reg Manning, Terry Manwaring, Bill Marsh, Scott Marshall, Lola Martin, Hugh Massie Jnr., Dr. John Massie, John Mathes, Frank Maundrell, Gwen McBeth, Garth McDonald, Greg McDonald, Kendal McDonald, John McIlroy Geoff McIntyre AM, Ian McKenzie, Winston McLeod, Grahame McPherson, Marianne Melnikas, Kevin Meyer 0AM (2), David Miller, James Mills, Ted Mohr, Graham Montgomery, Bill Morelli, Graham Morgan (2), Tim Moses (2), Paul Moujalli, Winifred Moveley, Richard Mulvaney, National Maritime Museum, Newington College, Ken Nicol, Peter Noble, Bill Norton, Richard Nott AM, NSW State Library, NSW State Parliament, Kerry O'Connor, Kevin O'Neill, Graham Owens, Parramatta Cricket Club, Tony Paterson, Col Pattison, John Payne, Leon Payne, Kerrie Ann Pepper, Peterie, Neil Peters, Terry Phillips, Kevin Pike, Steve Polgar (3), Terry Portus, Margaret Powell (nee Dowell), Bob Poynting, Barry Preston, Robert Prideaux, Geoff Provest, Rowan Raymond-Jones, Jeff Rendell, Neil Rice, Stephen Roberts, Karen Robinson Nee Winckle family), Geoff Rogers, Harold Ross, Ian Ross, David Rudd, Maurice Rudgley, Terry Rutledge, Ken Ryan, Brian Sandstrom (3), SCG Trust, Frank Scurr, Darryl Semmler, John Sharp, David Sharpe (3), David Shaw, Rob Shaw, Shore Grammar School (ordered for the Trenerry family) (3), Neil Silver OAM, Mary Single (3), Gail Smith (nee Winckle) (2), Noel Smith MBE (2), Harry Solomons (3), Bruce Southerden, Phillip Sparkes, Robyn Spencer (nee Carmen), Bill Stafford, John Stannard, Greg Stevens, Graeme Stevenson, John Steward, Phillip Stuart-Jones, Sydney University, Lynette Taylor, The Australian Club, The Kings School, Clem Thiele, Dorothy Thompson, Nichole Thompson, Max Vardy, Graeme Vine, Lloyd Waddy (6), Brian Walker, Ron Walledge, Colin Ware, Arthur Warrell, John Webb, Lex Webb, Kevin Weir, Ian Wellard,  John Wellard, Geoff Wellstead, John Westaway, Warrick Whiting, Kevin Willis, Bob Wilmot, Norma Wilson, Tom Wilson, Phillip Winckle, Ray Winslow, Bruce Wood, Ken Wood, Louise Wooten (nee Gough), Ian Wright, Charles Wulff, Bob Young, Owen Young, Dorothy Zahn (nee Bailey).

Golden Oldies Cricket

Three CLub Legends, Vic Martin, Ray Gillam and Bill Baillie and Tom Clement at Bradman Oval, Bowral in 1997.

CBC Golden Oldies Cricket Club Inc. designed by CBC Golden Oldies

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